Piece of property.
Peace of mind.

Bentley Maintenance & Management is a full-service maintenance company in southeast Florida with in-house maintenance and repair services, and renovation services with project management and design partners.

We also offer landscaping and irrigation in addition to a variety of commercial property services.

Bentley not only maintains my rental property, but they also help me maintain my new primary home as well.  Bentley  does it all and they certainly did it all for me. This is the only company I would deal with ever again. They’re the best!
— P.G., Southeast FL
Hiring Bentley has been a great decision for us. We now have more time to spend the way we want to rather than maintaining our properties ourselves.
— Mike W., Ft. Lauderdale, FL
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We provide a comprehensive selection of repair and renovation services as well as on-going maintenance services specific to your property’s needs.

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our work

Take a look inside our portfolio, highlighting maintenance properties and renovation before-and-after photos.



With the addition of McMahon’s Irrigation & Landscaping to our company, we offer a full range of landscaping and lawn maintenance, irrigation, and pest control.